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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I thought it was about time I spread the love a little and called out a few of the blogs that I really like and check regularly. If you've got a few minutes go and check them out! This won't be an exhaustive list because I'm too lazy, but I'll probably do another list soon mopping up all the blogs I miss this time...
In no particular order:

Tales From The Old Country
The art blog of Milenko Tunjic. Some great sketches with a lot of style.

Daily Peril
The art blog of Bill Presing. Fantastic pinup cartoons.

Free Planet
The news/information blog of Mike Philbin. You might not agree with everything he writes, but it's always pretty interesting.

Mathieu Reynes
Another mind-bogglingly good cartoonist.

Port Out Starboard Home
The art blog of Aly Fell. He doesn't update that often but when he does it's worth the wait.

Gorilla Artfare
An art blog feauturing a ton of amazing artists. Updates often with loads of variety.

Historietas Perversas
Possibly my favourite blog. The collected covers of Oscar Bazalduas Mexican comics.

Andy Council
The blog of Bristol artist Andy Council. Lots of cool stuff here.

Rebeca Puebla
Great art from Rebeca Puebla. She only seems to update every 4 months or so unfortunately :(

Electric Plog
A fantastic and prolific artist. Well worth a visit!

Ok I can't be arsed typing anymore bye.
