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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

OOOoooOOooo! Spoooooky Halloweeeeen printssssss!
The idea for this pic came to me fully-formed in a dream. Now that I think about it, it seems really obvious that Velma would join the Ghostbusters when she was a bit older. I imagine she's also developed some pretty weird fetishes after spending so much of her youth chasing spooks...

 Detail pic:

A limited run of high quality prints are available in my shop.

Till Art do us Part

Monday, October 29, 2012

A homage to pain! Thursday the first of November from 7:30pm onwards.
More details about the event here.

The Cheerleaders

Monday, October 22, 2012

I did this one a little bit differently than I normally do these film pics, in that I went off-ref about halfway through and just winged it.
From the superb "The Cheerleaders".


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I always see these little road sweeper vans pootling around the city early in the morning, when there are a few of them together it always reminds me of the mini cleaner robots in Fifth Element. The real ones don't have lowrider hydraulics though... Anyway, this is a rather long-winded introduction to the painting I just finished; WHOMP!

 Some detail pics.

Limited edition prints are available in the shop.

Heresy n Heelz

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm going to have a stall at the Alternative and Burlesque Fair in Derby tomorrow (Sat 13th Oct) selling prints and postcards. They got a lot of cool events running throughout the day so come and check it out if you're nearby and say hello. More info HERE.

In other news, I've got a new print that's almost ready to go, so check back here soon!

Red Box

Thursday, October 4, 2012

 The super-skilled Electric Pick has been posting up his comic Red Box on his blog for a while, and now the whole thing is going to be printed out in a massive 240 page brick of book! It also features bonus stuff by other artists, including a pic by me.
Pre-orders and more info are available here.
More art soon!

Class of Nuke 'Em High

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You know what no one ever says to me, ever?
"Why don't you draw some more of those sketches from old film stills, they're my favourite?!"
So to satisfy those non-existent people, here's a pic of the wonderfully expressive Janelle Brady from Class of Nuke 'Em High.

#edit# And yes, her mouth does open that big!

